Dr. Peter Joseph Marchisello passed away March 24, 2018 surrounded in love by his children Mary Jo Termini, Peter Marchisello, Marianne Paruch, Geralyn Marchisello, Winnie Pritchett and John Marchisello. He was predeceased by his wife Winnie (McConnell) and son Christopher. Peter is survived by his grandchildren Wesley Pritchett, Peter Paruch, Nicole Pritchett, Richard Marchisello, Christopher Paruch, Jennifer Marchisello, Winnie Pritchett and Johnny Marchisello and great grandson Clark, son of Peter and Christina Paruch. Son of Italian immigrants, Peter started his medical career as a WWII United States Army Surgical Technician. He attended Manhattan College and graduated from New York University Medical School. He completed medical/surgical residencies at Harlem Hospital and Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS). His devotion to medicine and desire to help others ultimately led him to be in practice in Orthopedic Surgery for over half a century at HSS, St. John’s Catholic Medical Center and NY Cornell Hospital. He was Medical Officer for the NYC Fire Department from 1991-1994 and Consultant to the Bureau for Handicapped Children from 1970-1982. His notable accomplishments included his appointments as HSS Chief of the Lower Back Clinic and Chief of Orthopedics at St. John’s. A true Renaissance man. He loved philosophy, computers, bridge, languages, music – playing the sax and piano by ear. He enjoyed the movies, golf and stimulating conversations. Peter’s love of life and learning were gifts to all who knew him.